Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dummy needs help- virus problems???

I got a virus from someone's USB. I changed my antivirus and scanned with the new one. It says there are no more viruses.

Problem is my battery will not charge (I'm using a laptop). Any ideas? I just rebooted it, no change.

And please note- I said "dummy"- no big words, please???

Help, help, help? My computer is my life (even though I don't understand how it works, lol)

Dummy needs help- virus problems???avast

Go to WalMart and get another computer.

I know there's no WalMart where you live. Buy a plane ticket to Southern California. I can personally drive you to a nice WalMart in San Bernardino County that's open 24 hours. Can you pay for my gas?

Dummy needs help- virus problems???ducati

Unplug your cord from the box that is between the wall and the laptop, then replug it. Many times this comes loose and wont allow the battery to charge.
Could it be that the battery is fully charged? Or the power outlet is not switched on?

I haven't heard of virus disabling battery to charge. Also, the battery has no memory of it's own, maybe just a gauge for your laptop to show you the power left. So batteries can't get virus.

One thing that could be the cause is that the virus disable the icon or light showing the charging process. I doubt my answer will help, just putting in my 2cents worth.
duh uh um throw it out the window and uh uh uh uh
then how are you asking questions if ur batterys dying
You would have to describe what exactly happens...Maybe there is something wrong with your laptop. If anything, take it to Best Buy or something and ask them. They are the pros.
If you are me, I will hit the laptop at the wall like what happened to me. I'd hit it in the wall and it works!

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