Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Seriously which are the best free antivirus, antispyware, antiadware, and antimalware?

There are people who say that AVG is the bes, then there are those that say AVG las a low detection rate. There are those who say that Avast is the best, then there are those that say that Avast has a low detection rate as well. I know that Avira and Norton suck. I am currently using PCtools, but it slows my computer down dramatically.

I know that Spybot sucks as well. When it is scanning, I am STARING at files that say SpywareSheriff.FakeAlert, and it lets them pass. So I got rid of that and installed SpywareBlaster. I know that it keeps them off and doesn't nessecarily get rid of the ones that you currently have. I read that PCtools gets rid of them as well, so I use PCtools as my antispyware,and antimalware as well.

I don't nessecarily have an antiadware at all.

Also, can you give a product that gets rid of tracking cookies.

Seriously which are the best free antivirus, antispyware, antiadware, and antimalware?norton antivirus

I use AVG

Seriously which are the best free antivirus, antispyware, antiadware, and antimalware?security

most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser.

you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus. i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar.

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