Saturday, August 7, 2010

Computer hesitating 15 seconds every 2 to 3minutes.?

I've increased memory from 512mb to 1gb.Turned off start ups, disabled antivirus and scanned for viruses. It's still doing it. It's driving me crazy.

Computer hesitating 15 seconds every 2 to 3minutes.?cafe racer

First of all, enable your anti-virus solution and leave it there.

You might have SpyWare. You should have an anti-spyware solution on your computer. I recommend that you go to and get AD-AWARE and SpyBot Search %26 Destory. Install, run, update and scan your computer with both programs.

SpyBot searches and protects your registry for known threats.

Ad-aware scans your hard drive for problems.

This double whammy works great.

You've added RAM, but how about those startup programs? Do you need them all. Go to the START menu and pick RUN. Then type MSCONFIG and hit OK. Pick the STARTUP section and uncheck things that you do not think that you will need. YES, you need the antivirus thing.

Good luck

Computer hesitating 15 seconds every 2 to 3minutes.?free anti virus

i think u need a new computer
do you have on more then one firewall or antivirus go into your programs and check better still have your system run a sytem check and ask it to repair anything that isn't correct
Maybe its the Hard-Drive that is doing it... if you hear constant clicking noises, then its the hard drive.
try disabling ur internet connection and see if it still does it .. if not then it is probably spyware ... if its still doing it look into a heat problem maybe .. try going through device manager and uninstalling drivers one at a time and rebooting .. thats just for starters ... myself, after that point i wouldnt hesitate to try a reformat .. then if its STILL doing it i would think hardware .. make sure ur bios is settup correctly ... if the problem only started after you added ram i would look at the slots ur using, make sure the ram is matched and not way different .. would try 1 stick at a time to eliminate a bad module, and check bios settup for correct entries relating to speed and dual channel.

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