Sunday, August 15, 2010

My computer Keeps Freezing Up!?

Any help here would be awesome.. I'm typing this message on my wife's computer. Anyway, my desktop computer is continually freezing up, usually during startup, but if by some miracle it completely loads up (happened twice out of like 25 try's) then it'll freeze up within a half hour or less. My system restore has an error as well which will not let me return to previous settings, I only downloaded one windows upgrade as far as software goes recently, and I've already removed that again to see if it was the problem(it wasn't). I've already ran my Symantic Antivirus full scan twice, Spybot, and Ad-aware to make sure nothing like that was the problem. I ran the defrag and the disk clean-up utilities as well. I don't currently have my copies of windows XP pro on hand to reinstall or troubleshoot with(currently packed in the back of my storage unit), and the only way I can load it up and have it work at all to get stuff off it is in safe mode. Any ideas?

My computer Keeps Freezing Up!?adware remover

could be from a bad hard drive to a overheating problem

My computer Keeps Freezing Up!?antivirus protection

Computers should never freez up that much. The only way to fix it is to go to Microsoft and see if they can repair it.
sounds like you may have a lot of programs running in start up mode or maybe you have a low memory is the computer full of music ,pictures, etc..? maybe increasing the memory will help check and see what all programs are in start up stop as many as possible lets say you have messanger do you really need it when computer boots up?? nahhh things of that nature..hope i could help a little but then again i know just enough to make me dangerous....hmmm whats this button for?...DAMN I JUST BLEW UP MY FRIGGIN COMPUTER AGAIN!...tell you what you hewlard packett or whoever your comp is from get a system recovery disc they dont cost much or didnt when i bought one a few yrs ago if you have any songs pics etc.. you back them up on a floppy..then just completely reformat your comp sounds like you may have lost some important files somewhere along the happens..have you tried a system restore? gonna knock out some programs you have installed but might restore your comp back to when it was working properly other than that i dunno...darn i spilled my coffee on my keyboard wonder if thats.,,,DDDDDDDAAAAAAnnnnngerous!...jus... singed the hair of my knucles im ok...honestly i had to work on my sisters comp once and took me 2 weeks to get that thing working right again..its an aggravating process but take a break walk away and dont throw the comp out in the frontyard , good thing i had a backup monitor she never knew the difference...take deeeep breaths

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