Saturday, August 7, 2010

I need help with my computer!?

ive purchased spysweeper with antivirus and scanned my computer several times and ive even got registry fixers and windows firewall. my pc is still acting wierd. it restarts by itself. is there anyother program i can use to fix this disturbing problem? i have spysweeper,registry fix,ad-aware,windows firewall,i need to know wat else can i do to protect my computer?

I need help with my computer!?download

it restarts by it self huh.

I am afraid I have some bad news.

Your PC has been infected by the worst virus in the history of computing:


Just go to security center, find automatic updates, select download but let me choose when to install, and then let it install and restart when you want it to

But be sure to do it every 6 months, just to keep microsoft happy.

oh and by the way, I just read some annwers from above. reformatting your hard drive will cause you to lose windows. (might want to get a 200$ full copy from best buy)

I need help with my computer!?hijackthis

I am sure that i can help ya:

Download AVG 30 day free trial.%26 it will remove all the NEW %26 strong viruses .

if u want it cracked please contact
reformat it.
ack dont reformat it might be cheaper restarts can be caused by bad software but also issues with memmory , MB, power supply sometimes even something wrong with the cpu.
go to the site below for more help
your best bet is to reformat your hard drive. make sure you make copies of anything important first.

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