I was running an antivirus guard scan and noticed that it got stuck on a file
C:/documents and settings/hp_administrator/!/*.*
I decided to try and open this file to see what it was. It contained 40,000 movie and tv show avi files. They are things I have never seen or downloaded. Anyone have any idea what's going on?
Has my computer been hijacked?agv
Whomever is the hp_administrator downloaded those avi's.
No you're not hijacked.
Your virus scanner didn't get "stuck" the files are just going to take a long time to read.
FYI = the "hp_administrator" is probably whomever you bought it from... if its supposed to be new, give them a call.
Also "NORTON" sucks... ignore the person who not only didn't answer your question, but also got all wet about his favorite product. (can we say VENDOR?)
AVG coupled with Windows Defender is all you need. 90% of everything else out there is MALWARE or like NORTON simply causes more problems than it fixes.
Has my computer been hijacked?antivirus software
Sounds like someone has been playing around with hard drives, and put a used drive into your new computer. Take it back where you bought it, ASAP and tell them to replace it.
just to be sure, try getting spyware doctor 5.5 and for a free anti virus try AVG
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